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Harmonies of Influence: The Transformative Power of Music

A variety of sounds arranged to produce a composition that is rhythmic, emotive, or harmonic make up the diverse art form known as music. It's a kind of human expression that conveys ideas, tales, and emotions beyond language. Every aspect of everyday life is impacted by music, almost to the point of saturation. It is a global language with profound and varied applications to the human experience. Elements of music include rhythm, melody, harmony, tone, and many more.

A person enjoys music while performing house chores, gym, travelling, and working almost at least once a day. Music plays a vital role not only when alone but also during celebrations and events such as weddings, birthdays, and festivals. Music around the globe includes classical, folk, indigenous, fusion, and electronic music.

Music influences us in various ways such as:

1. Emotional and physical well-being:

The kind of music we listen to highly impacts our mood. Upbeat tunes can energise and lift our spirits while soft music influences us by making us calm and relaxing our mind and body. Experts have established a connection between our minds and music. The study also shows that music has therapeutic effects on our bodies. Music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, sleep, and mental health.

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2. Establishing cultural bonds:

Every culture has its music and tunes but music is something that connects all different cultures around the world. A person might not even understand the language used but enjoys the music. For example, a listener does not know the Arabic language and its meanings but loves listening to the rhythm, tune, and vocals.


3. Building memories:

If you wonder for a while about a song and think of a memory, you will instantly be reminded about a core event or place. We listen to some songs while travelling to a specific place or maybe listening to a song at home with family around. When we listen to the same song when we are somewhere else we get reminded about the memory. A lot of us also relate to the theme and lyrics of the song with our life and this is how music influences us in building core memories. It also makes us feel nostalgic at times.

4. Being a medium for expression:

A lot of time a person is unable to express himself or herself through words and uses music to let others know how he or she is feeling. People can tell stories and emotions with music. It is considered as a strong medium for communication.

5. Cognitive effects:

Music helps a person develop cognitive strength by affecting the brain. It increases a person's memory and enhances a person's activity and productivity. Mozart effect is a concept in which when music is introduced to a person at an early age he or she develops reasoning, problem-solving, and mathematical skills. Around 50-80% stated that music aided them in improving concentration.


Let me know how music has influenced you in your life and which is your favourite music. Until next time stay healthy and stay safe.

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