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My Top 3 Favorite Poems

Poems are a part of literature that describe various emotions of our lives using different objects and experiences. They can tell you the truth about life and also have the power to uplift yourself by boosting your mood and confidence. Here are my favorite poems and what values I took from them.

1. The Road Not Taken-

Poet- Robert Frost

The poem talks about how the poet stops at a point where there are two roads and he is supposed to choose one of them. Both the roads look fairly similar to him and he deeply thinks about which one is to be taken. He decides to take the less taken road and at the end of the poem he reflects upon how the path he took changed his life.

Two roads diverged in a wood, 
and I-I took the one less traveled by, 
and that has made all the difference.


1. Take the less taken way- It is courageous to take the pathway which is less traveled to experience something new. The less taken way in life might be something that changes your life compared to others who took the most traveled path.

2. Have clear decisions- Taking decisions is very important as many times in your life you will end up at places where you will have to decide what is to be done. Think and consider consequences and then have a streamlined thought to go ahead with your decision.

3. Unpredictability of life- Life is unpredictable all the time. One might decide to do something but end up somewhere else. So don't be very serious about everything and stop stressing about the decisions taken.

2. Where The Mind is Without Fear-

Poet-Rabindranath Tagore

The poem tells about how Tagore wishes to have our country 'India' free of fear and negative aspects. The poem opens with the phrase "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high," and then goes on to paint a picture of a society free from prejudice, fear, and small-mindedness. He tells the readers to have thoughts that flow in a single direction. He wants the citizens to have the urge to gain knowledge and truth and visions for a brighter and enlightened land. At the end of the poem, he calls his fellows to wake up and rise for a better world. The poem is a very inspiring one from Indian literature.

Where the mind is lead forward by thee
Into ever widening thoughts and actions
Into the heaven of freedom, my Father,
let my country awake.


1. Avoid negativity- Poet tells the readers to take off all the negativity such as discrimination, fear, prejudice, and narrow mindset in order to have a brighter world. He wants people to be optimistic about their life and confident about themselves.

2. The power is in our hands- the poem reflects on how our destiny is in our hands. It is we who shape our lives according to how we react and what type of mindset we carry with us. If we live with a mind without fear about anything we can have a fearless and confident life.

3. Learning the truth and knowledge- having the right part of any given information is very essential as that is what makes us a person with high values. Anyone can know about a piece of information but they are unaware of whether it is true or false. Tagore asks his fellow mates that people of the country and the world have thirst for knowledge.

3. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud(Daffodils)-

Poet- William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth's poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" recounts the speaker's experience of coming across a field of daffodils while meandering through the countryside. The poem honors both the splendor of nature and the power of creativity. The speaker is deeply moved by the daffodils' beauty and the way they swing in the wind; this impression lingers in his mind long after he has left the area.

I gazed- and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.


1. Appreciate nature- The poem tells us to take time to appreciate the beauty of nature. It reminds the readers that a single flower that is a daffodil can be very inspiring and something which can bring joy to us when we deeply look at it.

2. Importance of imagination and optimism- When the poet looks at the fields and flowers he imagines the flower and experiences calmness and joy. The memory about it remains in his mind which makes him feel positive whenever he thinks about it.

Poems have so much to give us and every time we read one we learn a bag full of values. Comment down below your favorite poems and the learning you got from them.

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Haresh Desai
Haresh Desai
Apr 23, 2023

Nice write up covering three poems of the three Well known Poets....All poems have some inspiring messages to guide us how can we all add values to our lives. Best Wishes 👍

Apr 30, 2023
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