Nalanda University, one of the most prestigious learning centers of the ancient world, symbolizes India’s profound intellectual and academic traditions. Established in the 5th century CE in present-day Bihar, it thrived as a global center for education, drawing scholars from diverse regions. Though it faced destruction in the 12th century, Nalanda’s legacy continues to inspire. Today, efforts are underway to revive this historic institution, integrating its rich past with modern academic advancements.
The Establishment and Growth of Nalanda:
Founded during the Gupta era under Emperor Kumaragupta I (circa 415–455 CE), Nalanda quickly became an esteemed institution offering advanced education in subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and Buddhist studies. At its height, it accommodated over 10,000 students and 2,000 faculty members, attracting scholars from China, Korea, Tibet, and Persia who sought knowledge from its distinguished teachers.

A Global Hub for Learning:
Nalanda offered a broad curriculum covering logic, grammar, medicine, metaphysics, and Vedic studies. Admission was highly selective, ensuring only the brightest minds gained entry. The university emphasized interactive learning through discussions and debates, mirroring modern higher education practices.
Prominent Chinese travelers, including Xuanzang (7th century CE) and Yijing (8th century CE), documented their experiences at Nalanda, highlighting its intellectual environment and vast library, Dharma Gunj (the "Mountain of Knowledge"), which housed countless manuscripts, including rare Buddhist texts.
Unique facts about Nalanda University:
1. Nalanda had an elaborate student exchange program, with scholars traveling between India, China, and Southeast Asia to share knowledge.
2. Unlike other ancient universities, Nalanda had multiple entrances, each serving different academic and residential purposes.
3. The university operated a structured timetable, with set hours for lectures, discussions, and meditation.
4. It had one of the earliest recorded instances of a student mentorship system, where senior scholars guided new students.

5. The monks at Nalanda were required to learn multiple languages, including Sanskrit, Pali, and Chinese, to engage with international scholars.
6. Some of the medicinal herbs studied at Nalanda were later used in Tibetan and Chinese traditional medicine.
7. The campus had dedicated astronomical observatories where scholars studied planetary movements and timekeeping.

8. Nalanda’s library had a backup system where select monks memorized entire texts to preserve knowledge orally.
9. The ruins suggest that Nalanda had a dining system capable of feeding thousands, possibly making it one of the earliest known large-scale food distribution centers.
10. Certain excavation findings indicate that underground tunnels might have existed, potentially used for safe storage or as emergency escape routes.
Decline and Destruction:
After flourishing for nearly 800 years, Nalanda suffered a major setback in the late 12th century when Turkic invader Bakhtiyar Khilji ransacked the university. He set fire to its enormous library, and according to accounts, the flames burned for months, erasing invaluable knowledge. This marked the institution’s decline, and over time, its ruins faded into obscurity.
Revival of Nalanda University:
In the 21st century, efforts to restore Nalanda University took shape. With support from the Government of India and international collaborators, the modern Nalanda University was established in 2010 near the original site. Countries such as China, Japan, and Singapore contributed to reviving its reputation as a center of academic excellence.
The modern university emphasizes interdisciplinary studies in humanities, ecology, and sustainable development, blending ancient knowledge with contemporary research to address global challenges.
Nalanda University’s legacy continues to stand as a beacon of intellectual pursuit and the preservation of knowledge. Its revival reflects a global commitment to fostering education and research while honoring its historical significance. Whether in its ancient or modern form, Nalanda remains a symbol of wisdom, bridging the past with the future to inspire generations to come.